In this course, the students will have an overview of the importance and significance of Cyberlaw as a discipline of legal study. The students will further get to know how Cyberlaw as a discipline evolved given the early advent and growth of the Internet and the World Wide Web. The students will further get to understand of how early developments in Cyberlaw jurisprudence were remarkably shaped up and influenced by the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce and UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Signatures and further how these early developments in the beginning era of Cyberlaw gave a foundation head start for the further development and evolution of Cyberlaw as a legal discipline.
Topics covered:
- Introduction
- Beginning of the Internet
- Power of the Internet
- Anonymity on the Internet and Legal Vaccum
- Definition of Cyberlaw
- Ambit of Cyberlaw-converted
- Applications of Cyberlaw-converted
- Cyberlaw constantly evolving-converted
- Origin of Electronic Commerce and it’s enabling Legal Framework
- UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce
- Article 5 & 6 UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce
- Article 7 UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce
- Article 8 – Requirements for original e-records
- Article 9 – Admissibility and evidential weight of data message
- Article 10 – Retention of data messages
- Formation and Validity for e-contracts
- Attribution of data messages
- Article 15 – Time and Place of dispatch and receipt of data messages
- UNCITRAL role in coming up with model laws
- UNCITRAL model laws and differences
- Definition of e-signature
- Electronic signature and legal requirements
- Other issues covered by UNCITRAL Model Law on e-signature
- UNCTAD global Cyberlaw tracker
- Related Courses
- Conclusion
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