The present course on Ransomware & Law seeks to provide a broad understanding of how ransomware as a phenomenon is constantly increasing and the various legal and policy ramifications thrown up by ransomware attacks.
With every 11 seconds, one company in the world becomes a victim of ransomware attack, these figures are going to continuously keep on increasing. Hence, not just corporates but also organizations and individuals need to be prepared for ransomware attacks.
What are these ransomware attacks? What are the various kinds of ransomware attacks? What are the legal ramifications and challenges that are presented by ransomware attacks? These and variety of other aspects pertaining to ransomware, is what the present course seeks to cover.
This course is seeking to give you a bird’s eye view of the key important elements concerning ransomware attacks that you need to know in your professional life. The focus of this course is clearly to build capacity to fight the growing menace of ransomware as a predominant cyber security breach vector of today’s times.
Doing the present course will enable you to understand the current thrust areas of ransomware, how companies are being targeted, the potential losses that companies could be facing as a result of ransomware attacks and the need for keeping in mind the new legal issues that ransomware as a paradigm is beginning to bring forward.
This course would be of value to any stakeholder in the digital ecosystem who is concerned about cyber security and who wishes to understand about the growing paradigm of ransomware attacks and the connected legalities pertaining to ransomware.