Metaverse is an evolving paradigm. With so many activities happening towards the Metaverse ecosystem, the legalities concerning Metaverse have slowly come to the forefront. Metaverse as a paradigm is likely to bring forward various distinctive and diverse legal and policy ramifications.
These ramifications are of crucial significance not just for strengthening the foundation of Metaverse as a paradigm but also for strengthening its further progress and evolution.
Metaverse law has already sub-discipline of Cyberlaw jurisprudence. The present course will enable you to understand some of the important legal and policy nuances concerning Metaverse. The course has been conceptualized and is being conducted by internationally renowned expert and authority on Cyberlaw Dr. Pavan Duggal, whose seminal work on Metaverse and law is contributing to the legal jurisprudence concerning Metaverse.