The present one credit course on Cyberlaw and Cyber Security is being offered by National Law University, Odisha in association with Cyberlaw Univ.
This course aims to give the participants a holistic view of what is emerging globally in Cyberlaw and cyber security. In today’s time, cyberspace has become an integral central lifeline of our daily lives. Hence, our reliance upon cyberspace and the internet is now a given default. More and more people are doing distinctive digital activities in the cyber ecosystem. However, every activity of every cyber actor has got a legal ramification which gets covered under the broad umbrella of Cyberlaw as a discipline.
Further, one of the biggest challenges in today’s time is that of cyber security. With increasing cyber security breaches becoming the new normal, legal and regulatory approaches are clearly being formulated and crystallized to regulate cyber security in the digital environment. This course will aim to give the participants a view of what are emerging important issues in cyberspace that they need to be aware of.
They will be also sensitized about how new emerging trends in Cyberlaw are beginning to shape Cyberlaw jurisprudence. They will further be able to know about how there is an absence of global law on cyberspace and how different countries have started regulating cyber security through national legal instruments.
Various important issues and aspects of our daily life which have been impacted both by Cyberlaw and cyber security would be sought to be examined and analyzed during the present course.
This course will enable all participants to get more sensitized about the latest emerging elements of Cyberlaw and cyber security jurisprudence across the world. This course will also empower participants to know about distinctive elements pertaining to the legal, policy and cyber security ramifications of cyberspace that they need to know as they prepare themselves for the digital future.
This Course is offering practical oriented approaches and seeks to connect the evolving cyberspace jurisprudence with actual incidents and events in cyberspace. This Course is a great option for all participants who wish to update their cyber skills about Cyberlaw and cyber security. Doing the course will enable the participants to be far more better prepared to deal with emerging challenges in cyberspace in the digital ecosystem. This course should also be of great assistance in helping the participants to understand how the coming of Covid-19 has had and continues to have a remarkable and significant impact upon the evolution of jurisprudence concerning Cyberlaw and cyber security in cyberspace.