The advent of technology and mobility has ensured a change in people’s perspective. Today, more and more people want to carry their own devices to work. That is why the concept of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) has attained prevalence and currency.
BYOD presents an immediate advantage for any organisation that does not wish to invest on devices and infrastructure. Further BYOD allows the employee the convenience of working on official data and matters through his own device. The advent of BYOD has brought forward various legal, policy and regulatory challenges. In fact, while technology has enabled the ease of convenience, the reality is that there are large numbers of legal and regulatory challenges before organizations who are today opting for BYOD.
This eBook looks at the legal, policy and regulatory issues impacting BYOD. It further examines the position of BYOD in India and how Indian law has sought to address the same.
More about the ebook is avialable at