Solange Ghernaouti is professor of the University of Lausanne, where she founded the Swiss Cybersecurity Advisory and Research Group. She helds a Phd in Computer Science and Telecommunication (Paris VI University), she is an internationally recognized expert on ICT Risk management, cybersecurity, cyberdefence and cybercrime related issues. She has contributed to several initiatives organised by international and European organisations, public and private institutions, research centres, and law enforcement agencies, among other instances of professional recognition all around the globe. She is an active independent security advisor, an influential analyst and a regular media commentator.
Associate Fellow of the Geneva Center for Security Policy, former auditor of the French Institute of Advanced Studies in National Defence, member of the scientific committee of the International Forum of Security Technologies, member of the Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences, Solange Ghernaouti is Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur and has been recognised by the Swiss press as one of the outstanding women in professional and academic circles.