In this course, students will get a broad overview about Darknet being in that portion of the Internet wherein cybercrime is a default economic activity and wherein all kinds of criminal activities and acts are being done. In this course, students will also get to learn about the various practical legal policy and regulatory issues and challenges that the advent of Darknet is beginning to throw up. In this course, students will also learn how the legal jurisprudence pertaining to Darknet is at a very early stage of its development, and how there is a need for coming up with appropriate innovative legal strategies and approaches so as to deal with the emerging legal challenges thrown up by the Darknet.
Course Curriculum
- Introduction
- Concept of Darknet
- Definition and Features of Darknet
- Facts About Darknet
- Due Care and Caution on Darknet
- Positive use of Darknet
- No International Law on Darknet
- Regulating Cybercrimes on Darknet
- Categories of Darknet Crimes
- Governmental Approaches to Darknet
- Silk Road & Operation Onymous
- Cryptocurrencies on Darknet
- Legality of Darknet Transactions
- Legality of Darknet Contract
- Annonimity on Darknet
- Privacy on Darknet
- Data Protection on the Darknet
- E-Evidence Issues on Darknet
- Darknet Jurisdiction
- Darknet Encryption
- Legal Liability of Darknet Service Provider
- Cyber Terror on Darknet
- Cybersecurity Breaches on Darknet
- Statistics
- Related Courses
- Conclusion
How to Use
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- From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
- For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.