Cyberlaw University is an online Cyberlaw education platform, focussing on quality professional level cyber legal education upgradation courses. Cyberlaw University is committing to bring the constantly evolving trends pertaining to legal issues impacting computers, computer systems, computer networks, communication devices as also data and information in the electronic form, to the participants of various courses. This online education platform is focussing on areas of study dedicated to Cyberlaw and various connected emerging disciplines including Cybercrime Law, Cyber Security Law, Artificial Intelligence Law, Blockchain Law and legalities connected with Emerging Technologies.
Cyberlaw University is an online education platform, focussing on enhancing knowledge and skillsets of lay students of all disciplines as also lay internet users, about various legal nuances pertaining to cyberspace. This platform has recognized that given the increasing push towards digitalization and given the constantly increasing number of users joining the digital bandwagon and cyberspace, there is a need for people to be aware of the cyber legal ramifications and their acts done in cyberspace.
Cyberlaw University has crafted practical, pertinent and topically relevant courses from the perspectives of lay internet users.
It is hereby specifically stated that Cyberlaw University has got no affiliation, connection, association or recognition of any kind whatsoever, with any statutory authority or any other University but is an online platform dedicated to the cause of online Cyberlaw education.
The various courses are being offered, based on the experience of its resources in the area of Cyberlaw and are practically oriented, keeping in mind practical challenges that students/professionals/users are facing in their day-to-day professional lives. The said courses represent unique way in which students/professionals/users are being prepared to better comprehend, understand and analyse the complex legal challenges, the advent of technology and technological paradigm are beginning to throw up.
The said courses are courses for self-development and for obtaining more knowledge. The certificates issued by the said Cyberlaw platform only certify that the candidate has completed the self-development course and does not tantamount to any certification about competency or ability of the candidate to deal with complex nuances of intersection of law and technology.
The said certificates of completion of courses are only being issued by Cyberlaw University to certify that students/professionals/users has indeed completed the detailed curriculum prepared by the Cyberlaw education platform, pertaining to the subject at hand so as to sensitize the students/professionals/users about various professional nuances pertaining to intersection of law and technology.
It is specifically informed that the said online self development Cyberlaw courses offered by Cyberlaw University do not require or need approval from any statutory authority and are merely a manifestation of a commitment to continuing lifelong cyber legal information for all stakeholders.
The members of general public are hereby informed that the various courses offered by the Cyberlaw education platform are online courses and are only aimed at enhancing the knowledge and understanding of the candidate. Having done the said course does not dispense the said professionals to have proper professional qualifications that are stipulated by various stipulated authorities in different countries, in order to be practicing professionals in the subjects under reference.
Kindly note that the present courses offered by Cyberlaw University are not a substitute for professional qualifications that are required to be done by professionals, under the laws prevailing for the time being in force in different countries, governing the admitting of such professionals into active practices, or governing their professional qualifications.
All students/professionals/users are encouraged to complete all the professional qualifications for their respective areas of study, as mandated by the laws prevailing laws for the time being in force in different countries where they are located.
It is hereby specifically disclaimed that the various courses conducted by Cyberlaw University do not substitute any professional qualifications, mandated by any statutory authorities in any parts of the world, governing the professional education and competency into practice to such professionals.
Cyberlaw University has made no claims pertaining to it being an accredited or recognized or affiliated university, with any statutory authority in any jurisdiction, but is an online initiative aimed at encouraging continuing online Cyberlaw education.
The members of the general public are hereby informed that Cyberlaw University is an online Cyberlaw education initiative to promote Cyberlaw continuing education.
The various courses offered by Cyberlaw University is the only beginning of a journey to discovery and have as well as make no claims, of any kind whatsoever, of being backed/accredited/recognized/affiliated by any statutory authority / institutions / organizations / national government or any nation.
Cyberlaw University specifically disclaims any liability for any such loss or injury or damages caused to any person on account of reliance upon the perception of Cyberlaw University being accredited or recognized or affiliated by any statutory authority.
Cyberlaw University, as an online Cyberlaw education platform, is dedicated to inculcating culture of studying Cyberlaw as a continuing lifelong process for all citizens and netizens in the world.